my ancient-history-shelf shelf:
Kathy Domboski's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (ancient-history-shelf shelf)

I created the following book shelf on Goodreads to support my 6th grade Ancient History Class. My original intention was just to promote reading by highlighting books that corresponded with my curriculum. However, the more I have used Goodreads the more I can see it being helpful. You could create a list of books students could choose for a literature project, create an online book club using Goodreads,or even create a list of books recommended for a project.
I think Goodreads could be very powerful tool for students and may be worth going through the permission slip and hoops involved in getting students on a social networking site. Maybe somebody could create a Goodreads for education. It could work like Edmodo. I think students would greatly benefit from being able to recommend books in a “safe” environment where they wouldn’t have to speak to a class. They look for books that interest them and no one else knows what they are looking at. They could find a “friend” who has similar reading interests even if they don’t talk in class. I have tingles just thinking of how reading could be promoted using Goodreads.

I have also used Shelfari but I can see the benefit of using the more common tool because it forms a much more rewarding community. I may have to import my books from Shelfari. Goodreads seems to have a much better way of organizing the books then Shelfari, does as well.

About kmdomboski

I am a middle school social studies teacher and a current School Library Media graduate student. I have been teaching for over 11 years. I also am Nationally Board Certified and have a masters in Technology for Educators from Johns Hopkins University.

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